
AOL Email – it is a free web-based email service and which has helped each one of us to stay connected across the globe. AOL is a division of Verizon Communications. The headquarter is located in New York City, its official website is www.aol.com. An individual will be able to send, receive and store emails. AOL Email ensures that security is the utmost priority as they take care

· Strong passwor

· Spam filters

· Reminding of changing the password

How to recover AOL Password without security questions – As we know that security is for our help however and we also know that it is not advisable to keep the same password for different emails hence at times it becomes really difficult to remember the password, one can recover the same through the following means

· Security Questions

· With the help of phone number

Security questions – one will be required to answer the questions chosen by the individual at the time of setting up the account to prove the identity of the individual fails to remember the same can opt for means in the following manner of AOL account recovery.

One has to be on the log in page of AOL, after entering the username click sign in

· Click on I forgot my password

·You will be required to put in the phone number associated with the account and which was used while initiating the account and then hit on Next

·To ensure that it was you AOL will send the verification code as a text or one can also receive a call.

·As you would have received the verification enter the same in the required field and click on Verify.

·On this page enter the new password and reconfirm the same and hit save.

One will be able to get access back to the account by using the new password and will be able to stay connected.
